Jean Kane du Pont Youth
Making the Promise of Higher Education A Reality
DuPont Youth is a non-profit educational agency dedicated to improving college opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students. DuPont broadens and enhances current academic programs to include pre-collegiate work using experienced and credentialed faculty in live remote classrooms.
Recognizing that numerous schools with significant populations of this community have been successful with the Advanced Placement program, the focus of our initiative aims to increase the participation and success with classes that prepare students for AP courses, or by adding to the number of AP courses already being offered.
Credit: Vidhya Nagarajan
DuPont appreciates that schools with smaller enrollments cannot justify teaching multiple versions of the same classes. Our initiative provides classes regardless of low enrollments in classrooms that are required to take advantage of the teaching strategies inherent in AP courses or in classes designed to prepare students for an AP program.
Another part of the initiative recognizes that school districts with significant indigenous student enrollments suffer from decreasing student bodies. Some students, for various reasons, end up not graduating with their class due to dropping out of school. We aim to assist these at-risk students while offering tutoring for courses which are necessary for them to pass in order to graduate from high school.
DuPont Youth also supports high school guidance departments by providing personalized research and communication that allows counselors to focus on high value interactions with students.
Here are examples of the work we can do. There are more details using links below:
Assess student records to identify possible colleges and career paths
Create an individualized application plan for each student
Provide students and families with checklists and timetables for financial aid
Assist with FAFSA preparation
Produce a detailed plan for first generation students to survive and succeed in their first year of college
* Pre-AP is a registered trademark of the College Board which must approve the use of these courses.
Instruction for Students
The College Board believes that all students deserve engaging, relevant, and challenging grade-level coursework. Access to this coursework increases opportunities for all groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in AP and college classrooms. Therefore, 0ur program is dedicated to ensuring these students have the supports to succeed in challenging classroom experiences.
Applying to Colleges
Searching for a Career
In this area, we supply a background communication to each student with a typical calendar urging students to be very careful to follow it. Then we update each student about testing dates for the SAT and ACT, if these are required, application deadlines for special consideration for admissions such as early action, requirements for college essays and letters of recommendation to complete the Common App and much more. Click Learn More to see a student sample.
"Follow your heart!" is often heard when asking others how they choose their future. While we respect this notion, we use a highly- recommended suite of assessments to provide students with the personal insight that will help them confidently leverage their strengths, plan an educational path, and set career goals. We caution students to remember that the great majority of us change our major after we begin college.
Click Learn More to see our communication with a student and instructions as the use of O Net Online.
Completing High School with a Plan
For students who are assigned to us as middle schoolers or as ninth, tenth, or even eleventh graders, we begin with an evaluation of both the work that the student has completed and what your school offers.
Pursuing Financial Aid
First-Generation Students
Surviving and Succeeding
in their First Year of College
Schools and other organizations often offer presentations and workshops to students and their families. DuPont Youth can communicate the importance of the FAFSA and locate dates and times for these workshops and presentations.
Click Learn More to see a sample of what we use to communicate with a student and their family.